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[Q8L]⇒ [PDF] The Misplaced Bride Boundless Billionaires Book 2 edition by Liberty Blake Contemporary Romance eBooks

The Misplaced Bride Boundless Billionaires Book 2 edition by Liberty Blake Contemporary Romance eBooks

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Download PDF The Misplaced Bride Boundless Billionaires Book 2  edition by Liberty Blake Contemporary Romance eBooks

For eight years Mara Pappas has devoted herself to teaching and to discovering ancient relics all over the world. She happily lived her life in freedom, her secret husband out of sight and mind.

Her life abruptly changes when Ajax Pappas reappears and demands that Mara agree to make their marriage public. Presenting a wife is the only way to end his ailing father’s demands that Jax marry – and it’s guaranteed to stop his mother in her matchmaking tracks.

Jax’s handsome face had appeared on tabloid covers on an almost weekly basis for the past eight years. Mara had been updated on his life every time she went to the market. Ajax didn’t have the same luxury. He knew nothing about how she had occupied her time and Mara had no plans to enlighten him.

More complications arise when another woman doesn’t care whether Jax is married or not. She wants the Greek billionaire for herself and will do anything to get him.

When his father recovers, will Jax end his marriage, or will he uncover the heart Mara buried long ago?

The Misplaced Bride Boundless Billionaires Book 2 edition by Liberty Blake Contemporary Romance eBooks

This was the first book I've read by Liberty Blake and it was pretty good. I liked the plot, her ill father arranged the marriage so that she would be protected from her mother when he died. She was only 16 so her new husband left her for 8 years until he needed a wife. His mother didn't know he was married & had picked out a wife for him, so to keep his mother from matchmaking he picked up his "bride" and took her home to meet the family. His father who was very ill in the hospital loved her and his mother hated her. His mother did everything in her power to break them up. He never stood up to his mother all the way to the end. His wife was attacked near the end of the story and he still didn't believe his mother could be involved and he didn't seem overly interested in pursuing her attackers. When it came to his mother I didn't think he showed much backbone or did anything to protect his wife from his mother or other members of the family. His younger brother did more to stand up for her than he did. All through the book, you knew that she loved him and it seemed at points that he cared for her, but even at the end it seemed that his feelings were so-so. However, since this is a series maybe in the upcoming books we may see them again and see a more loving relationship. I think if I had seen more strength from him in the end I would have rated this higher. But overall it is a good book and I will read others in this series.

Product details

  • File Size 1220 KB
  • Print Length 396 pages
  • Simultaneous Device Usage Unlimited
  • Publication Date June 20, 2014
  • Language English
  • ASIN B00L6F098G

Read The Misplaced Bride Boundless Billionaires Book 2  edition by Liberty Blake Contemporary Romance eBooks

Tags : The Misplaced Bride (Boundless Billionaires Book 2) - Kindle edition by Liberty Blake. Contemporary Romance Kindle eBooks @,ebook,Liberty Blake,The Misplaced Bride (Boundless Billionaires Book 2),FICTION Romance Contemporary,FICTION Romance Romantic Comedy
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The Misplaced Bride Boundless Billionaires Book 2 edition by Liberty Blake Contemporary Romance eBooks Reviews

I have become a fan...Ms Blake has written another great story. While there are events in here that are truly frightening such as the attempted kidnapping and murder of a wife by his mother much more is absolutely hysterical. There are so many funny statements coming out of the characters at times. Digger has been married to Ajax for 9 years but they haven't seen each other since he married her. He has no idea that she's a genius, has multiple degrees, is a world famous archeologist, and speaks Greek. His mother hates her and tosses women at him, his eldest brother has gotten both his wife and mistress pregnant, his sister shops all day, his younger brother is a student of Diggers, and his father is waiting for a heart transplant. The only person who spends almost all their time with his father in the hospital is his wife. Love the characters even his bitch of a mother and his worthless older brother. We have a kick ass female Indiana Jones and she even has a whip.
Book two is just as good as the first. This one stars a braniac sprite named Mara. She dressed up as Indiana Jones. Her friends and students call her Digger. Her husband of eight years doesn't know what he has in store for him when decides he wants her. They never lived together. He is a well known Greek man whore. But I don't want to give away to much of the story. I love how the books touch base with the last.
This is the second book in the Boundless Billionaires series! When Tamara Pappas was 16, she married billionaire Greek Ajax Pappas in accordance with her dying father's wish. He & Ajax Pappas were friends & business associates. Since Mara was so young, Ajax left her in the care of her uncle & aunt. During the 8 years that followed. Mara followed his exploits with various women in the tabloids. She also was a genius & finished college early with a doctorate in archeology. She also teaches that subject & has become known as sort of a female Indiana Jones on digs. Jax is completely unaware of her life when he comes to collect her & introduce her to his very ill father & the rest of his family. Things don't start out too well for him when 2 beautiful women hitch a ride with him & Mara on the company jet. One woman is the hand picked choice as Jax's bride by his horrible mother & the other is a gorgeous TV presenter whom the tabloids say is current mistress (Mara dubs her the television whore). Also hitching a ride is Jax's younger brother, Adonis, who is a student of Mara's. The book has many moments of hysterical humor. Also, the character Theron Christofides ( The Counterfeit Bride) makes a brief appearance. This is really a good book & a KEEPER!
I really enjoyed this book. Mara is a genius and her husband, Ajax doesn't have a clue. He thinks she is a slow 6 yr college student and party girl. When she is actually a Harvard professor and the Head of her department. They were married 8 years ago but have live separately all this time. Due to a family health problem Ajax brings Mara back to Greece. Even though they have been married for years it is the first time he introduces her to his family. Mara is disrespected by Ajax' mother, who wants him to marry a woman of her choice. She rejects his marriage and Mara. The big disappointment in the book is that we don't get the payoffs of Ajax confronting his mother, or how his father reacts to finally find out how truly smart and accomplished Mara is. We also don't get to read Ajax's reaction to Mara having the answers to making her famous father's inventions an patents work. These are big misses and detract from the book. You get big lead ins building the story and are left hanging. I will read the next books but by their descriptions I don't foresee getting the resolutions from this book in those. Don't know if the author just got tired writing but there could and should have been so much more.So sad, it was a great book three quarters through but then seems like rush to end it.
Another funny book in the series with characters you love and ones you hate. Mara is a hoot and I love how she plays Jax by letting him think she is still in college after all these years. She seems to accept her husband has cheated on her for the 8 years they have been married and apart from one another although it hurt her but even Jax can't believe she doesn't make an issue out of it. Jax's mom is a horrible person who does every mean and underhanded thing she can to manipulate the situation. Jax downplayed his mom's actions and took his mom's side. Mara stayed around for Jax's father since Jax had been there for her father as he was dying. This book will make you chuckle and will make you mad. It is a reat way to spend a few hours escaping into others problems before you get to their HEA. I still would like to know though if she ever corrected the designs her father developed.
This was the first book I've read by Liberty Blake and it was pretty good. I liked the plot, her ill father arranged the marriage so that she would be protected from her mother when he died. She was only 16 so her new husband left her for 8 years until he needed a wife. His mother didn't know he was married & had picked out a wife for him, so to keep his mother from matchmaking he picked up his "bride" and took her home to meet the family. His father who was very ill in the hospital loved her and his mother hated her. His mother did everything in her power to break them up. He never stood up to his mother all the way to the end. His wife was attacked near the end of the story and he still didn't believe his mother could be involved and he didn't seem overly interested in pursuing her attackers. When it came to his mother I didn't think he showed much backbone or did anything to protect his wife from his mother or other members of the family. His younger brother did more to stand up for her than he did. All through the book, you knew that she loved him and it seemed at points that he cared for her, but even at the end it seemed that his feelings were so-so. However, since this is a series maybe in the upcoming books we may see them again and see a more loving relationship. I think if I had seen more strength from him in the end I would have rated this higher. But overall it is a good book and I will read others in this series.
Ebook PDF The Misplaced Bride Boundless Billionaires Book 2  edition by Liberty Blake Contemporary Romance eBooks

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